Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Martina Lourdez, usually on call Lourdes this woman is a beautiful woman from England. However, she was not young anymore she was 42 years. She lives in Liverpool, the city where he was born.
One summer, his best friend, Mary-shen invited him to go to a vacation in Greece. He never went to Greece, he wanted to know about the country, so he decided to join the-shane Marry in Holiday.
In Greece they were staying at a hotel near the beach. There, they were greeted by a man named Aaeroniz friendly. He is the manager of the hotel. One night Martina Lourdes went to the bar to drink some, he found Aeroniz stand there and they start a conversation.
“You know, I have a boat located near the beach. Actually it belongs to my brother, but if you prefer, we can go for a trip tomorrow. What do you think?” The man said to him.
“Wow, it would be nice,” he accepted the invitation and she went with him the next day. They enjoyed their trip very much, especially Lourdes who had sailed with the boat.
Actually, Lourdes like Greek scenery, so after the first trip, he came out with the manager of the hotel every day. As usual they swim, sunbathe and spend more time together at sea. They really enjoyed it.
End holidays come, Lourdes had to go back. He was in the airport already but, suddenly, he decided not to return to Liverpool, his home town. He thought, he wanted to stay in Greece. Then, this girl left the airport and directly back to the hotel where Aroniz as manager.
When he arrived he saw Aeronis at the bar with a woman and she decided to hear their conversation.
“Do you want to go for a boat ride my brother?” The word Aeronis invite her. But Lourdes is not concerned about it and he came close to them.
Aeronis Lourdes was surprised when he found standing beside him and the woman. He was very surprised, she smiled at him he gets. Aeronis think Lourdes will be angry with him but, he just said that the purpose that he was looking for a job at the hotel.
Lourdes was not angry when he knew the fact that it Aeronis playboy, because he does not fall in love with him but, he fell in love with Greece and sea views.

10 komentar:

  1. assalamualaikum . . .
    sir, This true story is not it?
    i'm sorry sir, i'm not all read this story..
    please correct this word if things go wrong?
    from : Moh Abdul Malik
    class: X RPL_A

  2. waalaikumsalam.....
    its ok its didn't mean anythings just try and try don't give up I believe you can do the best

  3. assalamualaikum....
    sir, this is my task

    What I heard ...
    Not always like what I saw ...
    What I saw...
    Not always like that I guess ...
    What I want ...
    Not always as it happens ...

    I kept walking, on the edge of hope ...
    for looking for meaning ... Meaning of Life is mortal ...
    Only the spirit and love is, that made me survive ...
    Incisions withstood winds of life ...

    Maybe life is not always red hot ...
    Sometimes it must feel like black ..
    But ... There's a white light behind the dark clouds ...
    There is hope that awaits ...

    from: wulan ramadiani
    class X bismen C

    Morning on 29 October 2011 , early in the morning I was awake. seemed reluctant to leave this warm bed . Mom was up early and made breakfast , but it was still at 4 am , I was busy preparing lunch for PRAM TRAINING . that day I had to fight my sleepiness and cold, I immediately went cold shower that morning did not dampen my spirit ,
    6:30 am I've been in school , I guess, only I who brought so much luggage , but my other friend had the same . At 6 am we were lined up and herded into PUSDIKIP by using public transport , Like the atmosphere cheerful and happy color on our way there . got there we had to walk and quite tiring, with the numerous and severe congenital as well as the uphill road that adds to our fatigue.
    Arrived there I was amazed by the beautiful scenery and the air was cool. I followed the training experience is actually not very impressive, because basically I have the life that is conditioned at the time was not much different from my everyday life. it's just that I remembered was made at the end of the event, campfire, the atmosphere of blue emotion burst when the senior sister read a poem about mother's musings. . . . .oh ! at that moment I realized, I have a great mom in the world .
    Only one night we followed the inauguration of the scouting. a short but tiring day . I learned to be a leader and how to protect my members . I was more disciplined in time, more responsible and I can be myself .. fun to spend the night with my friends in one place. our time together was very impressive to me

    sir this is my task
    wulan ramadiani from X bismen C

  5. assalamualaikum...
    Sir this is my experience in PERMATA
    on 29 October 2011, I was educated in PUSDIKKIF Cipatat
    I taught there in the spirit of leadership and I there in the test mentally and physically.
    I was there in the barracks and I joined in barracks 3, in the barracks that I and my friends on a test of mental and honesty.
    when all the students in check bag was found a cigarette in one of my friends bag, and then we gathered and asked who took the cigarette, but no one was honest, so we got a penalty from the constructor that is prone
    It is very tiring day for me, but I am still excited and happy because there I get a lot of knowledge ..
    sorry if there are wrong words..
    from : moh abdul malik
    class : x rpl a

  6. on Saturday 29 October 2011, I follow the activities in PUSDIKKIF CIPATAT PERMATA me and my friends first gathered at the school, after that we started out at 10 am.
    after I got there I immediately lined up according to the group, and then after my break.
    short story of me and my friends in law at night, because there are my friends who get caught smoking.

  7. on Saturday 29 October 2011, I follow the activities in PUSDIKKIF CIPATAT PERMATA me and my friends first gathered at the school, after that we started out at 10 am.
    after I got there I immediately lined up according to the group, and then after my break.
    short story of me and my friends in law at night, because there are my friends who get caught smoking.

  8. one day at school will be held scouting activities to be implemented in pusdikif cipatat on Saturday 29 October 2011. while on the road in a car that was traveling by public transportation and my friends tire leak twice, our fate is one-sided but while waiting for the driver to change a tire, me and my friends had their pictures taken dulu.setelah we got there before entering directly in order lines and report to the committee. when entering a dormitory area we had to run while singing up to the field, our field in order rows according to their barracks masing.setelah we were all together with the teachers held a joint prayer led by a cleric who is in pusdikif, with expectations during his stay in the area we were all in the given salvation by GOD SWT.setelah all that in doing our preparation to be told by the committee on rules should be obeyed during their activities. after that we invite into the barracks in which has been determined to be accompanied by a coordinator in the barracks. in our barracks in the invite to rest and also issued luggage. after that we pray in for lunch, while in the barracks we were starving and can not snack on luar.sore day we all shower, bath and there is no discipline that goes into the bath tub there are also regular wrote.

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. stories about the PUSDIK CIPATAT,
    I as very much in PUSDIK Learning should I run
    with all my heart, especially when I was at the Barracks, I was not treated like humans, eat, drink, and all the things that most memorable had to be arranged in such a way, but I am happy to be alive much more discipline .. maybe that's not how but it's my turn to be more excited again,
    The most memorable for me was while I was awake at midnight Sendy Pa., after a wake-up immediately told 50x Pus-up but not anything wrong but I run it with sincere wrote ...
    continue during the nights I was told to jog and to answer questions from the builder, and I was confused because tersa just got up, kept me in order Pus-up-ups 10x because they can not ... helps to answer the questions

    No day without Pus-up-up

    Nava Gia Ginasta X_RPL_B
